Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Little of What's Up

So I have decided that in order to be more consistent on the blog, I will begin blogging every Saturday morning while my kid is consumed with cartoons.  It will be the perfect time to catch up and it will hopefully help me meet my resolution of better journaling habits.  Let's hope I stick with this plan, which I hate to admit is a hard thing for me.
Let's see. what's up with the Rawls?  Well, first of all, Blake scored a job as an assistant manager at the local T mobile store!  The job is going to be great.  The pay meets our needs, the growth opportunities are inviting, and the full time benefits are topnotch.  He starts on Thursday and he is super excited.  He will have two weeks of training down south in Bountiful, and then he will begin work at the Ogden store.  WE are super excited to get this Utah adventure underway.  Living with the parents has been fun, but the vacation of it is wearing off and we are starting to miss our furniture and things.  Its amazing how the little things that we take for granted (like walls, doors, and closets full of clothes) become super important after months of living without them.  
In light of the new job, I have begun the apartment hunt.  I had hoped to score a town home and get out of the apartment lifestyle, but with us having to replace the car after the accident, I'm not sure that will be in our cards.  So we are car shopping and apartment hunting-and I have to say, the search has been frustrating.  But I have to trust that God's timing is in everything, and that he will make available the car we are supposed to buy and the house we are supposed to rent when the time is right.  I actually really wish we could just buy a home outright and forget all this rental crap, but I have to keep telling myself that it will all come into place someday.
In other news, Alex is growing like a weed and is approaching the start of preschool.  I can't believe my little one is old enough to start school in a matter of weeks.  

This news brings other and better news, though.  Despite loving the idea that he could go to school, preschool is quite hard to come by and carries a hefty fee here in Utah.  So instead of plunking down $100.00 or more a month to have someone else teach my child, Blake and I have prayed and decided who better to teach our child then us!  SO homeschooling it is for the Rawls, at least for this year.  We are going to take this homeschooling thing day by day and year by year, but for now, we have decided that we need to give him a firm foundation and teach him all the things that are super important.  I also think this will be the better fit for Alex because he struggles with emotional maturity and I want him to get his anger under control before I send him into a fast paced, stressful situation.  Again, we are going to take it year by year, and maybe in the future we will send him to a formal school.  But with the way the formal education is taking itself, I am beginning to have my doubts.  We have found some local activities that he can start participating in like swim lesson next May and little ninja Karate.  I also want to send him to summer camps next year and perhaps get him involved in soccer or little league. 

 I am actually super excited about this adventure I am about to embark on!  So over the last few weeks, I have been pulling a semblance of a preschool program together, so that I am ready by September 1st.  Its coming up fast and I am a little panicked about getting it all together in time, but God will sustain me because this is what he wants us to do for the sake of my kid.
This week, we went to a dollar movie and had a mother/son date.  We also worked on little projects around the house, rescued a poor lost kitty form certain demise, and had lots of fun enjoying to cooling weather.  It has been in the 70's all week and I have been LOVING it.  I have been thinking about cool weather and falling leaves, Halloween and Christmas bells.  I am so excited for my first cold season in a while and can't wait for it to get here!  Well, the kiddo is calling.  TTFN and tata for now!

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