Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Over the River and Thru the Idaho we go!

So today is the start of a new outlook for me.  I have been kinda hung up on the negativity surrounding our situation lately and unfortunately, I think that that attitude is effecting my sons behavior and the feelings of those surrounding me.  Its not like we are BAD off, cause we are NOT!  I'm just getting tired of the mattress on the floor, clothes in a suitcase, no kitchen to call my own, lack of productivity.  I am an independent person who likes a place to call hers once and while.  But, I also realize that my attitude affects the attitude of all that's around me.  I think that Alex's persona would be alot better if I showed an example.  In a nutshell, I just need to stop venting and suck it up.  Complaining will get me nowhere and it wont make the money faster, nor will it change anything.  So, today is the start of my goal to try and remain positive thru the thick and the thin.
On a brighter note, the weather is cooling off and we haven't been sweating all day long; high 70's at the peak of the day and it has been so nice.  I don't have all the much more to share cept the great news of sweater weather.
We went to the Ogden Temple open house with my parents and brother.  Alex loved it and wanted so much to stay.  His favorite was the baptismal font and the "soft" feeling he felt in the temple celestial room.  We took lots of pictures and had a great experience.

Blake has been interviewing to find a second job just to help pull in the extra income.  We are wanting to find one that will work with his schedule, and since it is a second job we are not that picky about where it is or what he would be doing.  It wouldn't be a career or anything; just something to help pick up the income flow and get us back on our feet.  We are waiting for him to start his training class at T-mobile and once he has started that, he should have hours pick up beautifully.
Speaking of possible jobs, keep Blake in your prayers.  he just this last week interviewed for a PT faculty position at the ole Alma mater!  Yep, BYUI interviewed him to be a PT Spanish online faculty, which is great cause he could teach from his office and not have to live up there.  It wouldn't start until January 2015, but it would great experience and a convenient road to extra income.  So Monday, we took the family up there and took a trip down memory lane.  We were remiss that we didn't have time to announce anything; it was sudden and we only had a couple hours to kill in the city itself.  But, Rexburg, for the most part looked the same.  There was a few things different about it (more apartments, nicer apartments, better doctors offices, a second McDonald's, and some places where you could see the flood damage), but all in all- it hadn't changed a bit.  We took some great pictures and I got myself a souvenir tee in honor of the occasion.

In other news, we have one more month with our clunker junker before we have to put her out to pasture and secure a new vehicle.  It will be about time to since we are keeping her together with duck tape (quite literally).  I start makeshift preschool with Alex in the morning.  Its the first of September tomorrow, and I am already thinking and planning Halloween and Xmas.  Trying to figure out what Blake and I want to be for Halloween.  Alex has, of course, already figured himself out.  I have found some potential rental situations that I like, and other than that, everything is pretty day to day.  

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