Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Year in Review

So I know I thought I would be better at online blogging then journaling, but apparently, that isn't the case.  So for everyone in cyberworld, I am going to strive to be back online and much more frequent in my updates.  Since my brother Jacob left for Japan on his mission, I have been updating his mission blog at least once a month.  So if you all wonder where I've been hiding, that's where.  I haven't had loads of time to blog, especially since family started visiting and our laptop decided to give up the ghost which means shared desktop time with Blake.  But, I know there are a lot of friends and family who love to see the growth of our little family and rely on Facebook and this blog to do it; so I'm sorry I've fallen short in that department and really intend on finding a better balance.  I just need to write more and watch less TLC.  
When I last blogged, things were fairly routine and fairly busy.  Well, things haven't changed.  In August, Blake was promoted to Member Service Coordinator at the office, and that has taken a lot of his time.  He also doesn't enjoy the job as much as his previous role, and that makes for some stress and tension here at home-especially since Alex doesn't understand.  There is some positive news though...
The pay is better, which has lighten the burden ever so slightly in the finances.  Also, Alex doesn't tantrum have as bad as he was; he still hits and screams, but I believe it is all linked to frustration that is under controlled.  I also believe that he responds to lack of attention in negative ways.  So if I have been busy all day and haven't had the one on one time with him yet, he tends to strike out a little more.  So although my efforts are far from perfection, when I can sense heightened emotion stemming from too much alone time, I tend to drop what I'm doing and address it.  That has been helping.  The other great thing is that just a matter of weeks ago, we completely finished potty training.  My guy is a full blown big kid who doesn't wear pullups to bed anymore and poops in the potty.  Now I just have to train him to wipe, tee hee....
In other news, I sign Alex up for preschool on Thursday morning.  Such a huge step but I'm trying not to be a sappy mom about it.  I'm am excited for him to get out and be with other children his own age.  He has literally thrived in Sunbeams and in our local gal playgroups, but its just not enough for him.  He is usually pretty devestated when our short lunchdates end.  So although I am going to miss having him around all the time, I know that this is something he needs.  He needs to be around others; he is a social butterfly and I totally get him cause I was the same way.  The difference is I had siblings.  Hoping to change the difference soon....
As for the last year, in May went to Utah.  I couldn't announce it before hand cause Mom didn't know we were coming.  It was an anniversary gift to her to be there for her 25th.  Since I hadn't been back for a year, I spent a month there and got to see my little bro off on his mission which was a super cool and spiritual experience.  It's been great getting to maintain his blog and document his work.  It's also given me time to increase and share my testimony publically, which I don't typically feel comfortable doing.  I flew back before my 24th b-day; Blake was excited.  He had been by himself for two weeks and hated it.  July and August were hot and quiet except for Blake's promotion.  Alex grew 3 inches in 6 months, going from 40 inches in March to nearly 43 inches in September.  We made lots of Disney trips in the fall and even went to Mickey's Not So Scary Party.  Halloween was great but quiet.  Thanksgiving was spent with our ward family and Blake's parents came to spend Christmas with us which was great.  Since the first of the year, its been working and trying to figure out our finances and making due with what God blesses us with.  I have definately solidified some great friendships here in Lake Reams and I am really enjoying my life in Orlando.  It's taken nearly a full year to adjust, but now I almost can't imagine living anywhere else.
I will post a photo entry to cover all the cute moments that words can't express and then hopefully can take to blogging at least once a week.  That way my life and all its silly moments won't pass me by. 
Til next time.    

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